Increase the Value and Safety of Plastic and Polymer Production with Universal Robots

Universal Robots offers increased precision, productivity, and ease of use and installation to the plastic and polymer production line. The collaborative series by Universal Robots includes the UR3, UR5, and UR10. These robots can easily adapt to different production processes that are necessary in the plastic and polymer productions, making them the perfect integration solution.

Increase the Value and Safety of Plastic and Polymer Production with Universal Robots

Universal Robot Automation

带来大量的flexibilit通用机器人y to the plastic and polymer production line; one that requires a highly flexibleindustrial robotthat can successfully adapt and conqueror the wide range of materials and temperature ranges necessary. Their collaborative series, UR3, UR5, and UR10,provide the perfect solution for plastic and polymer manufacturing, including areas such as de-gating, PCBloadingandunloading, andpick and placeprojects. They can easily adapt to different production processes and the changes that are necessary in the plastic and polymer productions.

The diverse production options that Universal Robots provides offers flexible layouts and product adjustments for your current production line or what may come in the future. This is because every Universal collaborative robot arm is extremely compact, easy to deploy, and able to adapt to different applications in the blink of an eye. They are lightweight, space-saving, and so easy to program; the perfect, agile automation solution for almost any task, including those with small batches or fast change-overs.

The great thing about putting industrial robots on your production line is the increased safety that they provide. Universal Robot collaborative arms can help reduce repetitive work for employees, while improving the overall production capabilities. They can eliminate employee exposure to noxious gases given off during the production of plastics and polymers and also protect them from plastic shavings and handling of sharp objects.

Universal Robots has successfully increased production in a variety of companies as seen with this company, Dynamic Group. Dynamic Group was in need of improving their existing labor force as theinjection moldingmachining cycle was very labor intensive and operators were having a hard time keeping up. Their products required a very high consistency inhandlingdue to the heat sensitive material being molded, thus resulting in ruined parts and a lower up time.

Dynamic Group realized they needed to automate to stay competitive with similar companies but were fearful of the initial robot cost and programming fees. After learning that Universal Robots collaborative series offers fast payback and is exceptionally easy to program, even for those in experience, Dynamic Group never looked at another robot. They found a system that was versatile and could be moved from different applications to address the high mix/low volume production. They chose to incorporate four Universal Robots which improved their injection molding product consistency and output by 400%.

新的、灵活,自动化生产线,其lving UR10 robots, was able to produce consistent cycles with fewer operators. The robots took the engineer two days to program and set up, with the robots placed on wheels to enable the sliding between presses. The CEO of Dynamic Group was astounded at the success of these robots, the ease of use, and overall improvement to the production line. They had aROIin less than two months! It was noted that when compared to traditional robots, the UR robots were much easier to teach and program from drag and drop applications. Dynamic Group loved the fact that you can program the robot in a “Teach Mode” where you can just grab and drop the arm to specific points, and then simply hit play where it will go through all of the movements. They are looking forward to incorporating more robots on their production line and continue the increased processing capabilities.

If you think that Universal Robots could be beneficial in your plastic and polymer production, give representatives a call. They look forward to listening to the specific needs of their customers and finding the perfect option for them based on their 25+ years of expertise. You cancontact representatives onlineor at 877-762-6881.
